Everyone of us has a unique story. A past that reaches out far before our birth and that will last beyond our death. Even if you don’t realize it, you are more than 10 billion years old. You have lived a thousand lives and yet you are still a teenager - learning from every new form that you take and becoming fascinated by how all the things around you change and grow - forever evolving.
The day when you were born was not the day when were born. The day you were born did not happen just a few years ago. It happened a long, long time ago, when the entire world saw light - a tremendously bright light - finally illuminating the entire Universe. There are stories about those days, when the dark ages were finally over, when life was truly created, and, most of all, when you and me and all of us were born. Some say it was as if everything happened in a single moment in time. Throughout space, the first stars ever to shine were born, and, surrounded by what seemed like an eternal darkness at the time, they broke all the rules and sacrificed their lives to create everything around us.
Life was not created on Earth; it was made in light and heat, in blue and music, in art and happiness, right at the core of the brightest, largest and most magnificent stars that the universe has and will ever see. We are not only made of star’s dust; we are star’s children.
D.S. 09
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